Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Grand Finale: The Grand Canyon

This is my last blog for our US Road Trip. What a trip this has been. I think it is perfectly appropriate that we ended with the Grand Canyon. What a treasure this park is for the world. No wonder it is one of the Seventh Wonders of the World and I'm glad we were able to experience it.
If you go...
I recommend hiking sections of the South Rim each day We hiked from Mather's Point to the Village the first day. The second day we hiked from The Village to Hopi Point. Round trip this was five miles on each hike. The third day we rode our bike to the South Kaibab Trailhead. The only part we missed was the Hermit's Rest. We didn't want to take the Shuttle (which is a great way to travel from vista to vista, but means you are with the crowds...always). The only way to get to Hermit's rest was by bike or by Shuttle. I wasn't willing to ride our bikes on the roads because we didn't have helmets. There are "Greenways" for bikes and that is what we rode.
Mather's campground was perfect for camping. It was great walking around and listening to all the different languages spoken. World travelers come and camp in our National Parks. I think I have mentioned before how much I appreciate this flavor. On another note, we had Elk in our camp! Beautiful, majestic creatures; much more so than humans who seem to be pretty oblivious when it comes to interacting with wildlife. I.e. parents allowing their young children to approach a Bull Elk, during rutting season. "Hi, Elk" Or, the very nice college student who made eye contact with same Bull Elk, almost nose to nose and asked us afterward if "Elks are dangerous" That would be yes, they are wild animals. It is NEVER a good idea to make and sustain eye contact with a Bull Elk or any other wild animal. That is your survival tip of the day.
Thank you for reading my attempts at writing this chronicle of our trip. It has been a wild ride:)


  1. REALLY, just too stunning for words!! The Grand Canyon is a GRAND finale for such a wonderful trip!

    1. Yes! I keep trying to figure out new words: amazing? (used it a thousand times) awesome? (that, too)... Stunning works for the GC for sure!!!

  2. It was an extravaganza by Mother Nature !!!
